Task: What Is Cronjob?
Dec 3, 2023
Hello, in this post I will mention what is Cronjob, how and where it is used.
Firstly, Cronjob is used to manage time efficiently in Unix-based systems. For example, you can command /home directory to create a file every minute.
crontab -e (open the normal user's crontab file)
sudo su crontab -e (open the Root user's crontab file)
crontab -r (Remove Crontab commands)
Sample Crontab Input
crontab -e
1 (nano editor)
* * * * * mkdir medium
Where is Cronjob Used?
Almost everywhere that needs automation, like in time-defined commands, cronjob can be used.
At Every Minute Input
To create an output at every minute, we use five asterisk symbols as shown below.
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